Capitol Hill Art League artists will be showing and selling our ART and artful inspired gifts as part of a neighborhood fall shopping weekend with other local businesses throughout Capitol Hill. This event is called Shop Small Shop Fall, presented by CHAMPS.
Where: Capitol Hill Arts Workshop Front LAWN, 545 7th St SE, DC and Frame of Mine Gallery outdoors, 545 8th St SE, DC
Nancy Arbuthnot Allison Stettler Felicia Reed Anne Albright

When: Sat Sep 26, 2020 from 11am-5pm Participating artists: Anne Albright, Nancy Arbuthnot, Karen Cohen, Felicia Reed, Elin Whitney Smith, and Allison Stettler.
CHAW is a member of CHAMPS – Capitol Hill Association of Merchants and Professionals. CHAMPS has organized a fall shopping weekend to remind/encourage Capitol Hill residents to shop local, shop handmade, and shop early. Holidays are right around the corner for gifts! Masks required at outdoor tables and artists will maintain 6 feet distancing at tables.