Featuring: Ken Bachman, Louise Holland, Erika Rubel, Mike McSorley, Deb Furey, Karen Cohen, J Jaffery, Nan Raphael, Rindy O’Brien, Linda Norton, Kim DiDonato-Murrell, Judy Searles, Tamora Ilasat, and Jane Mann.
Members voted for their one favorite artwork in this show. Kim DiDonato-Murrell received the most votes for her abstract painting called Take A Walk on the Wild Side with Deb Fury’s Simple Altar in second place. Kim will receive a $25 gift certificate to use at Frame of Mine. Deadline to vote: December 2 at 2pm sharp.

Kim DiDonato Murrell
Take A Walk on the Wild Side

Simple Altar 2019
17 x 30 Mixed Media – Photography/Acrylic Oil
Louise Holland
Fall Leaves
15 x 19 framed Hand Stitched log cabin patchwork with seed pearls.
Mike McSorley
18 x 12. Oil on Panel
Erika Rubel
19h x 9w x 6d mixed media. $750Jane Mann
San Diego
24 x 18Photography (limited edition print of photomontage)
$ 300Judy Searles
Draining the Swamp
24×24 Acrylic
$200Rindy O’Brien
24×16 Photograph
Ken Bachman
Guardian Geese
16 x 20. oil painting
$545Linda Norton
Up the Hill
16 x 20 Pastel on sanded board
Nan Raphael
Mixed media photography and ink $125
Tamora Ilasat
The Elder Tree
20 x 16
Watercolor, colored pencil and Collage
J Jaffery
Mixed Media
32 x 27
Mixed Media
$450Karen Cohen
14 x 11 framed
Acrylic on paper
Once a year we award our members who won awards in previous exhibits their own group show called Winners Circle. This show will feature all mediums of art and each artist selects one work to display. All of the art work is framed and will be featured online, for sale, and in the gallery appointments to visit are required, as well as masks. Frame of Mine will conduct online sales, go to: https://www.frameofminetoo.com/shop/gallery-show-november