The Capitol Hill Art League Presents its
Tenth Annual Metro Open Juried Exhibition:
April 5 – April 30, 2021
Online at
Galaxy evokes images suggestive of cosmic vastness, emptiness, otherworldliness, outerworldliness, yet can represent an internal as well as an outer landscape. Submitting artists are invited to explore their artwork interpretations of Galaxy through their own personal process and any media, including photography. The exhibition is open to artists, 18 years and older, residing in the DC/VA/MD area, 2-D and 3-D.
Download GALAXY Exhibition Prospectus (PDF)

Juror: April M. Rimpo
Artist & Instructor from Dayton, MD
April is an award winner artist who works with water media, most often in a combination of fluid acrylic and watercolor on 140lb watercolor paper where she “explores color and light to tell stories of life.” She has been studying and teaching art for over 40 years and is represented in galleries in Maryland, District of Columbia and New York, NY. Her work has been featured in several editions of North Light Books and magazines.
Exhibit Managers
CHAL Steering Committee Co-Chairs Anne Albright & Karen Van Allen (
Virtual Reception and Juror’s Remarks on Zoom
April 9, 2021 at 6:00pm – Juror will make remarks, awards will be given and the winning exhibit artwork will be screen shared.
Entry Process
Entrants may submit digital images in the online process at Smarter Entry. To enter go to: and follow instructions. If you don’t already have an account with Smarter Entry, you will set one up as “First Time User.” Necessary information includes title, artist name, medium, dimensions, and price. Digital files for viewing should be JPEG format, saved at high resolution with the longest dimension being no more than 1200 pixels.
Please name files using the following format:
Example: SmithTom-Sunrise-1.jpg
All work must be original and signed by the artist. Photographs and digital manipulations are considered original. All work must have been created within the last three years. Work previously juried into a CHAL exhibit may not be submitted. Previously non- accepted work may be submitted.
Submission Opens: February 12, 2021
Submission Closes: March 12, 2021 at midnight.
Entry Fees
Non-members may submit 3 entries for a non-refundable fee of $35.00
CHAL members’ discounted fee is $25; a special discount code will be sent to our members for their discount. Up to two additional entries may be submitted at $5 each for members and non-members. Artists submitting 3-dimensional work may provide two images of each piece, front
view and side view. Non-members are encouraged to join the Capitol Hill Art League by going online to:
Accepted Work and Awards
Our juror will select the final exhibitors from the Smarter Entry submissions and will consider the theme as part of the criteria for selection. The juror will also decide and award First, Second Third place plus (2) Honorable Mentions. On or around March 29, 2021, an email will go out to all participants with the names of the juried exhibiting artists and the title of their artwork for the on-line show. All awards will be presented at the opening virtual reception to be held Friday, April 9, 2021 beginning at 6:00pm.
Capitol Hill Art League (CHAL) and Capitol Hill Arts Workshop (CHAW) reserve the right to use various artwork images to promote this exhibit and other CHAL and/or CHAW events for up to a year from the date of the online show at no cost to CHAL and/or CHAW and will provide credit to the artist in the promotion material.
All 2-D art for sale should be priced as framed. CHAL will provide an online venue for the show on the CHAL website at Interested buyers will contact the CHAL Steering Committee to purchase the art through Capitol Hill Arts Workshop (CHAW). CHAW deducts a 25% commission on exhibition sales from the pre-tax sales price. The price submitted on the Smarter Entry registration online form will be the price presented at the time of the show for accepted work. Artists will be paid for their sale(s) through an electronic direct deposit system. Work that is not for sale must be marked NFS. Artists will make arrangements with buyers for delivery or drop off of sold art work.

About CHAL
The Capitol Hill Art League (CHAL) is a program of the Capitol Hill Arts Workshop. Located in the historic Capitol Hill neighborhood in Washington, DC. 70 Artists/members from the DC- metro area exhibit and sell original artwork at CHAW and various venues in the DC region. CHAL/CHAW hosts lectures on art related topics, offers workshops, and strives to support this vibrant community of artists.