Peoples’ Choice: JoAnn Laboy
Volunteer Extraordinaire: Charles Martin
Peoples’ Choice Award: JoAnn Laboy, “Transitions”
JoAnn created an unusual art piece with tea bags, pen and ink. Congratulations JoAnn!
CHAL awarded Charles Martin with Volunteer Extraordinaire for his constant and helpful volunteer work with Capitol Hill Art League events. He received a $100.00 gift certificate from Golden Paints.
Everyone remarked how beautiful the exhibit looks- thanks to our great artists, volunteer installation team, and the new bright white walls freshly painted in the gallery which made all our work POP off the walls.
Thank you to ALL (click here) 22 artists who submitted to Artists’ Pick exhibit now on display at CHAW and thanks to all the members who brought family and friends to our fun reception on June 23.
Please go see the show now until July 14th.
Capitol Hill Art League is a program of Capitol Hill Arts Workshop, CHAW. http://www.chaw.org
Instagram: @caphillartleague