Once a year, CHAL artists (only) pick their favorite artworks for their own group exhibit, this year it will be posted ONLINE. It is non-juried/no theme and members submit one or two of their BEST work(s) of art for this exhibit. Most artwork is for sale! Contact: chalartists@gmail.com for purchases.
Members voting/ award: May 1-May 31– Members (only) VOTE for their fav art work! Please email the name(s) of the artist/title of the artwork to: chalartists@gmail. TWO votes per member. The winner will be announced June 2 and will receive a gift card donated by Plaza Art in DC.
June 2, votes are closed and the tallies are noted. The artist who broke a three way tie (with 4 votes total), is Karen Cohen with Blue Skies. Following with three votes each is POD III by Tamora Ilasat and Pink Pointsetta by Julie Byrne. All the votes are recorded next to the artwork for this show. 22 members voted! Thank you for voting and for a great show.

2020 Members’ Choice Vote award went to Karen Cohen for her photograph: Blue Skies
Exhibitors: Nancy Arbuthnot, JoAnn Laboy, Kate McConnell, Marian Wiseman, Karen Cohen, Carolyn Rondthaler, Tara Hamilton, Karen Zens, Julie Byrne, Mary Beth Gosselink, Jason Jaffery, Deb Hurtt, Linda Norton, Nico Gozal, Karen Van Allen, Kimberley Bursic, Andre Barnett, Meera Rao, Kenneth Bachman, Stephanie Bianco, Judith Searles, Steve Kunin, Nan Raphael, Gloria Grandolini, Tamora Ilasat, and Marilyn Christiano. Follow us on Instagram @caphillartleague.

1. Nancy Arbuthnot “Winter Sparrows” Watercolor & mixed media 17 x 14 $350 (2 votes) 2. JoAnn Laboy “Look Through” Pen and Ink 24 x 24 $425 3. Kate McConnell “Roots II” Oil Painting 48 x 24 NFS 4. JoAnn Laboy “Lookout” Pen and Ink 20 x 29 $375 (1 vote) 5. Karen Cohen “Blue Skies” Photograph Print on Archival Paper 13 x 10 unframed, signed $90 (4 votes-Members’ top voted artwork) 6. Julie Byrne Flattened Flora Pencil Drawing 21.5 x16 x 1 $1250 (1 vote) 7. Julie Byrne “Pink Pointsetta Pencil Drawing 16 x 15 $950 (3 votes) 8. Mary Elizabeth Gosselink “Tree Star” Collage on canvas 30 x 24 x 2 $350 9. Carolyn Rondthaler “Koi” Watercolor 16 x 20 $225 10. Linda Norton “Storm” Watercolor 16 x 20 NFS (1 vote) 11. Nico Gozal “Through the Window of Hope” Painting on Silk 25 x 25 $500 (1 vote) 12. Nico Gozal “American Skin” Painting on Silk 20 x 20 $500 (2 votes) 13. Linda Norton “The Chairs” Pastel 12 x 16 NFS (2 votes) 14. Jason Jaffery “Children During Catalan Resistance Demonstrations, Barcelona Photograph 4 x 3 $100 15. Karen Van Allen “Escape” Acrylic Painting/collage 24 x 18 x 2 $350. (1 vote) 16. Deb Hurtt “Green Apple” Oil on Linen. 5 x 7 NFS (2 votes) 17. Kimberley Bursic “Seeds” Watercolor 30 x 22 x 1 $500 18. Kimberley Bursic “Brooklyn” Etching, Collograph, chine collie with acrylic and watercolor 30 x 22 x 1 $1000 19. Andre Barnett “Easter I” Lithograph 30×22 $500. (1 vote) 20. Kate McConnell Dolomites Vista 60 x 24 NFS. (1 vote) 21. Meera Rao “Morning Light” Photography 10 x 10 $100 22. Meera Rao This Cat Regal Drawing with graphite 6.5 x 9.5 $100 23. Marian Wiseman “Windmill on the Gein River, Netherlands Watercolor 14 x 12 NFS 24. Mary Elizabeth Gosselink “Break Out” Acrylic 30 x 22 $350 25. Marian Wiseman “Canal at Bruges” Watercolor 10 x 12 NFS 26. Deb Hurtt “Yellow” Oil Painting 12 x 9 NFS 27. Stephanie Bianco ” I Love Being Part of City Life” Oil Painting on two panels/framed as one unit 24x48x1.5 NFS 28. Tara Hamilton “Tropical Scene” Watercolor 11 x 14 $150. (1 vote) 29. Kenneth Bachman “Birds of a Feather” Oil Painting 18×24 $695 30. Karen Zens “I Dream of Spain” Monoprint: blockprint over collagraph, matted, unframed. 14 x 18 $125. (1 vote) 31. Judy Searles “Three Stages” Photograph 14 x 11 $200. (1 vote) SOLD 32. Karen Zens “Springtime” Watercolor matted and framed 12 x 12 $65 33. Judy Searles ” In For A Landing” Photograph 14 x 11 $200. (2 votes) 34. Stephanie Bianco “Traveling Geometrically” Acrylic 24x48x1.5 $450 35. Steve Kunin “School is Out” Photograph 8.5. x 11 $50 36. Carolyn Rondthaler “Blue Violin” Watercolor 24 x 18 $325 37. Nan Raphael “Art and Soul” Collage 22 x 17 unframed NFS 38. Steve Kunin ” Things Are Not Looking Up” Photograph print 13 x 19 $75. (2 votes) 39. Tara Hamilton “Street Scene” Watercolor 16 x 20 painting $200 40. ” Last Light Gleaming” Photograph on inkjet paper 17 x 13 $200 41. Kenneth Bachman “Guardian Geese” 16 x 20 oil painting $545 42. Jason Jaffery “Woman in Prayer” Photograph 6 x 6 $100
43. Tamora Ilasat Pod III Acrylic and Pastel on Arches paper 34 x 27 $1500. (3 votes) 44. Tamora Ilasat “Olympia” Acrylic and collage on Canvas 36 x 24 $1250 (1 vote) 45. Marilyn Christiano “Do Not Mess with Me”. 16 x 20 Matted and framed $225 46. Marilyn Christiano “Harbor Photograph” 16 x 20 matted and framed $225
47. Gloria Grandolini “Happiness” photograph 15 x 10 $100 48. Gloria Grandolini -“At Peace Yet Ready To Go” photograph 15 x 10 $150. (1 vote)