- Artists’ Pick June-July2018
- Barracks Row FestivalSept2018
- http://www.caphillartleague.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Feast-of-LoveDumbarton-Feb.2019.pdf
- Vessels (February 2017)
- Artists’ Choice (January 20Artists’ Pick June-July201817)
- Capitol Hill Banner Design Contest Winners 2017
- CHAL at the Hill Center (January-February 2017)
- Winter Magic (November 2016)
- Show and Tell: What I Did Last Summer (October 2016)
- Celebrating Spring with Dr Halim
- October 2015
- Diverse Dimensions at Harmony Hall (June-July2015)
- What’s Poppin’ (April-May 2015)
- Food For Thought (March-April 2015)
- CHAL at the Hill Center (January-March 2015)
- 12×12 Personally Speaking… (January-February 2015)
- I See ‘Scapes (November 2014)
- Anything Goes (October 2014)
- 12 x 12 Elements (August – September 2014)
- Black and White and InBetween (April-May 2014)
- The Shape of Things (March-April 2014)
- Signature DC at Velocity (January-March 2014)
- CHAL at The Hill Center (January-March 2014)
- 12 x 12 (January-February 2014)
- October-November 2013
- Express Yourself (May 2013)
- April 2013
- CHAL at the Lost Creek Winery (March-June 2013)
- March 2013
- CHAL at the Capitol Hill Hotel (January-April 2013)
- CHAL at the Lost Creek Winery (January-February 2013)
- CHAL at the Hill Center (January-February 2013)
- It’s a Private Passion (November 2012)
- October 2012
- New Horizons at Children’s Hospital (July-September 2012)
- It’s Up to You (April 2012)
- Do Your Own Thing (March 2012)
- Far Away (February 2012)
- Local Turf (November 2011)
- The Art of Craft (October 2011)
- It’s Personal (September 2011)
- April 2011
- March 2011
- February 2011
- November 2010
- Walk on the Wild Side (September 2010)
- Reflections at the Fisher Gallery (June 2010)
- Escape (May 2010)
- April 2010
- Seascapes (March 2010)
- Cityscapes (November 2009)
- October 2009
- Landscapes (September 2009)
- Summer Salsa (May 2009)
- April 2009
- February 2009
- March 2008